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Navjyoti School

  • Navjyoti School began in the year 1985 as a special school to cater to the educational needs of the intellectually challenged children of Dharan Municipality. The objective of the school was to provide a learning atmosphere for the socially alienated children hidden away in their homes so as to equip them with skills for self reliance. However, in the year 1987, as part of government’s effort to consolidate special education, Navjyoti Special School was taken over by the Government of Nepal.

    Scn Jyoti Principal
  • Established on 04.01.1988 with the motto of For God and Country, Service before Self, Navjyoti School is recognized by the Department of School Education of Nepal. Sister Rosita was the first Principal of the school while Sister Sunita served as the first Principal of the high school. The school has so far sent 10 batches of students for SLC examination. Given below is the list of Principals who have served Navjyoti School, Dharan.

    Scn Binita Vice Principal

Computer Lab, Science Lab and Library

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Student's Details

* is Mandatory Fill your form very properly using proper data. Your data is recorded on Gmt. Ktm Nepal website. This online form is authorized form of Navjyoti School. School will follow the rules and regulation according to the cyber law and Nepal Government Act. Thank You.
Student's Name
Guardian's Name

Grade (XI and XII) For Scholarships
Facebook ID

Admission for Class XI

(Select Any One Stream)

Select  Stream:     
A. Account
B. Economics
C. Business Studies
Compulsory Optional for Management
A. Hotel Management
B. Account
C. Computer
Compulsory Optional for HM
A. Computer
B. Account
C. Economics
Compulsory Optional for CIT

Note: i. HM = Hotel Management                    ii. CIT = Computer Information Technology          


© Copyright Navjyoti School 2021. All right reserved.